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Know how to move your supporters

Know what you do well and see your opportunities to deliver better on your supporter needs and drivers.

Once you know what you focus on, you can track the needs and drivers selectively as a few statements in your trackers.

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Segmentation and personas

Segmentation without needs and drivers is like forgetting a CTA-button in your fundraising email. It's what makes segmentations and persons far more actionable, because it shows you what kind of content and specific messages your segments react to.

External studies have shown that our needs and drivers determine up to 75% of the segment-differentiating factors.

If you start a new segmentation, include DonorDrivers right from the start.

If you already have a segmentation, DonorDrivers enriches your view and increases the practical value of your personas and segments.

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Inspired implementation

'I can write to that.' was the reaction of a Canadian NFP copywriter after seeing their DonorDrivers. The team saw the drivers they didn't yet fulfil and discovered how easy it was to fulfil them better right away.

They reconstructed their newsletters and appeals with the DonorDrivers, achieved an almost doubling in opening rates and a massive 75% of those that opened the emails started to follow on social media.

Predict your uplift

DonorDrivers shows you what moves your supporters deeply. With our predictive modeller you know what your upflift opportunity is and you can focus on seizing it.

It's not just nice theory. We have implemented DonorDrivers for over 20 years and know you can achieve these results. Maybe not in a week, but certainly gradually over time.

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