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DonorDrivers | The global standard in understanding and fulfilling donor motivations.

Let's do some serious good.

DonorDrivers® - The global standard on donor motivations.

Let's create more value for our donors.

20 years, 30 countries, over 1,000 psychological in-depth interviews and groups, over 70,000 surveys, millions of dollars of value delivered. DonorDrivers’® success is the result of its unparalleled robustness and inspiring implementation.


Know instantly why donors would love to give (more) to you.

There are twenty-seven globally validated drivers of giving. But which ones are important to your donors?
The automated DonorDriver
® Analysis tells you instantly - and what your further fulfillment opportunity is.


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Try it
With our drag & drop survey template and analyser it's easy to see what drives your giving. 
As a demo, select an example Excel file below and see the results. The yellow bar shows you which drivers have the biggest impact on giving. The grey bar shows you how well this client fulfils on the drivers. The black bar shows what respondents consciously say is important to them (We call them hygiene needs. They are typically category generic needs any charity can and must fulfil)..
In the table, you can toggle the priorities. Once you have your own survey data you simply drag and drop it to see your results.


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Know at a glance what to focus.


1) Drop our survey template into your, or your agency partner's survey platform.

2) Run your surveys and export the data as usual.

3) Drag and drop it into our Calculator and see the results.

We run the first study for you, help you set it all up, interpret the results and empower you and your partners to action. DonorDrivers
® is already available in 8 languages, covering over 40 countries.


First study and unlimited access for US$ 7,500 per year. 

  • Know and implement your drivers.

  • Track your fulfilment success.

  • Track shifts over time.

  • Delve into the journeys.

  • Segment or enrich your segments

  • Test concepts and communication.

The affordability for any size not-for-profit is our commitment to the sector and its partners.


Clients consistently remark on how inspiring and intuitive DonorDrivers® is in implementation.

With your licence, you get the expanded Playbook with additional practical examples and guidance on how you can fulfil your donors' driver better.

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High-value pledge conversion, fund raised, early term churn, newsletter open rate,

By using DonorDrivers® our clients have achieved significant brand effectiveness and fundraising improvements.


DonorDrivers® was developed with the most modern psychology, morphological psychology (often called the psychology of decision-making). We worked directly with its father, the late Professor Wilhelm Salber.

It provides you with a systematic, intuitive and psychologically correct framework. The driver algorithm has been developed with the latest data science, incorporating proven practical successes of the last 20 years.

That's how we know that there are precisely 27 drivers that can make a difference. Not more, not less. With DonorDrivers® you get an inspiring and robust platform that lasts.

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