Play like the big league
Building more trust. It's so important to success, that, over the last 20 years, we have trained top executives in organisations ranging from AXA to Qatar Airways in over 26 countries.

The No 1 success factor
With every little bit more trust your success with customers and in the workplace doubles.
Improve your career and sales by knowing how to build more trust the professional way. That's why even the most trusted people and organisations choose TrustLogic to build more trust.
How trust works in our minds. Scientifically proven and intuitive, as it should be.
It's no secret. Watch it here.

Be amazed
You will find that you are so much more trustworthy than you think. Unearth all the great trust equity you already have with The Six Buckets of Trust. You'll be surprised how much of your great trust equity you never thought of using to build more trust with others.
Build more trust
Learn with rich examples how you build more trust instantly. See how wrong the urban myth that 'building trust takes a long time' is and build more trust in every interaction.
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The perfect present for yourself and a colleague, friend or family member!
Buy before 24 December and we send you 2X free access to our video course for top executives (valued at USD 130). With this video course we train top executives the world over. Learn how they build their trust and success with lots of examples to build more trust right away.
Trusted by the most trusted organisations

20 years
TrustLogic is the result of 20 years of trust research and practical building of trust. We developed it out of frustration with the lack of a robust and effective explanation of trust. We engaged the late Professor Wilhelm Salber, the father of the most modern psychology to make sure TrustLogic is correct and effective.

26 countries and counting
Since we developed TrustLogic, we have helped clients ranging from AXA to World Vision at all levels to build more trust. We have been invited by our clients to over 26 countries to train them and we have trained their team in over 40 countries via video conference and streams.
Every relationship is about trust
Trust is your key success factor in every relationship. You will find that TrustLogic helps you build more trust in all your relationships and at every level. From career start to business owener to top executive. In selling, managing teams and in your personal relationships.
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The perfect present for yourself and a colleague, friend or family member!
Buy before 24 December and we send you 2X free access to our video course for top executives (valued at USD 130). With this video course we train top executives the world over. Learn how they build their trust and success with lots of examples to build more trust right away.
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About the author
Stefan Grafe grew up in Germany in a family of entrepreneurs. He studied in Germany and France and worked as a senior executive in marketing across Europe, Asia and Australia. In 2004 he developed the TrustLogic and started mext consulting to help clients build more trust in themselves, their offers and brands. His experience spans from advising boards of multi-nationals like HSBC to teaching career starters how to get their first jobs and promotions.
Stefan lives with his three children and wide in Melbourne, Australia.
Entrepreneurs have a tough job. Stefan is one himself and most of his family for generations back are entrepreneurs.
Starting and running a business (let alone growing it), is a great challenge. When Stefan works with entrepreneurs, the transformational power lies in being able to unearth all the great trust drivers for the team, the offer and the organisation. And, of course to use it to maximise trust with customers to get the sales. To attract the right staff and sometimes even venture capital investment.
Stefan specifically loves the fact that TrustLogic is truly the understanding of how we, as human beings, trust. And that's easiest demonstrated with three practical examples.
In one training with top executives from a global firm, the global Chairman and CEO were (unbeknownst to Stefan) in the group. When he asked the group how thye actually build trust, the chairman answered 'be honest, be transparent, communcate' - and Stefan proved him wrong, showing him instantly how to build trust. It resulted in Stefan training the entire organisation.
When one of his friend's daughter tried to get her first job, she rarely even got to the video interviews. Stefan worked for an hour with her to show her what employers would love to trust her for - and what great trust equity she had to build that trust. Well, she got a job soon after.
In a conversation with a friend, she bemourned the broken trust between her and one of her best frieds. She felt that all trust in her had been lost and it would be difficult to rebuild trust and the relationship.
Stefan discussed with her the nature of the trust breach and they explored which of The Six Buckets of Trust had actually been impacted - and how. Through this conversation it became clear that 'not all trust was lost'. The loss of trust could be isolated and, building on the strength of other trust aspects, rebuilt.
A young door-knocker rand Stefan's door bell to offer to install energy-saving devices for free on behalf of the government. He was turned away by 90% of households. Who would let a stranger easily into their home? After chatting to him while he installed the devices, the young man went on his merry way. Stefan bumped into him a few hours later and the young man said he was able to build the right trust and was able to install in 25% more housholds.
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Share the power of trust!
The perfect present for yourself and a colleague, friend or family member!
Buy before 24 December and we send you 2X free access to our video course for top executives (valued at USD 130). With this video course we train top executives the world over. Learn how they build their trust and success with lots of examples to build more trust right away.